
October 2022

Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 Articles

Science in fashion: make way for girls

In the days of our grandparents, the question was raised here and there about whether a woman’s place in science. Today, women in science are developing on a par with men even in such seemingly complex disciplines as the so-called STEM disciplines: science, technology, engineering and mathematics (S — science, T — technology, E — engineering, M — mathematics). This year, 40 percent of the master’s enrollment in the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology are girls. We tell you about what it’s like for girls in the world of formulas and laboratories and why science is fashionable in this […]

Feel the beauty of science

An important role in the increased interest of girls in STEM disciplines is played by the development of the IT industry and the increase in the number of modern laboratories in principle. Technologies are getting closer to the average user. Phone, laptop, instant communication — all this is already an integral part of our life and will only develop more: this is necessary in any field of activity, and this is the future.

These explanations of interest in STEM majors are obvious.

At the same time, it is interesting to hear that for many girls it is important to feel the beauty […]