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Hair care

Washing your hair is a traumatic process. Wet strands are more prone to breakage and damage, so you should wash, dry your hair properly and take care of them.

How to choose a shampoo

Choose shampoo according to the type of scalp, not hair. We wash our hair precisely in order to clean it (and not the hair itself) from sebum. Therefore, apply shampoo to the hair roots and the head itself, paying less attention to the tips. They will get their share of cleansing when you wash the detergent off the roots.

If you have dry skin on your face, then it […]

Facial care

No cosmetic procedures in beauty salons will replace daily facial care.


Morning facial care consists of three standard procedures: cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection.


First, wash your face with gel, milk, micellar water or other facial cleanser (there is a large choice — choose something that is pleasant and comfortable to use). Do not wash your face with too hot water, so as not to dry your skin. Do not try to clean the skin until it “squeaks” — so you will wash off the protective layer, making it dehydrated and irritated. Use a mild cleanser. It should not tighten the skin […]

Boys to the right, girls to the left?

Karolina Lacerus studied at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum from the 8th grade, where there were noticeably more boys. Since then, there have always been STEM groups in her life

Which means men. Her element is the development of spacecraft.

“Think about it, neither boys nor girls are born with the ability to take triple integrals or program the onboard equipment of satellites,” says Karolina, already a graduate student at the Skoltech Space Center.

“I believe that many girls who are talented in STEM specialties may not even guess about their abilities – they are not so easy to notice in themselves. In […]