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Hand and foot care

Wash your hands with mild soap (you can use baby soap) or even a facial cleanser. Ordinary soap often dries and dehydrates the skin. Antibacterial soap acts even worse on the hands: it kills bacteria, but at the same time it dries the skin and destroys its protective barrier.

Moisturize your hands in the morning, 30 minutes before going outside and in the evening before going to bed.

In the morning you can use a lighter cream, in the evening — a thicker and richer one. Do not forget about sun protection and use a cream with SPF.

With its help, you can […]

Science in fashion: make way for girls

In the days of our grandparents, the question was raised here and there about whether a woman’s place in science. Today, women in science are developing on a par with men even in such seemingly complex disciplines as the so-called STEM disciplines: science, technology, engineering and mathematics (S — science, T — technology, E — engineering, M — mathematics). This year, 40 percent of the master’s enrollment in the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology are girls. We tell you about what it’s like for girls in the world of formulas and laboratories and why science is fashionable in this […]