Facial care

No cosmetic procedures in beauty salons will replace daily facial care.


Morning facial care consists of three standard procedures: cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection.


First, wash your face with gel, milk, micellar water or other facial cleanser (there is a large choice — choose something that is pleasant and comfortable to use). Do not wash your face with too hot water, so as not to dry your skin. Do not try to clean the skin until it “squeaks” — so you will wash off the protective layer, making it dehydrated and irritated. Use a mild cleanser. It should not tighten the skin and cause discomfort.


After cleansing, wipe your face with a tonic or lotion. It will remove the remaining water and cleanser. Then apply a moisturizer on your face. It will retain moisture and protect the skin from dust and dirt.

Choose the cream based on the type of skin. As a rule, in winter it is a denser cream, in summer it is lighter. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. If necessary, before applying the cream, you can use a moisturizing serum for the face.

Sun protection

If you spend more than 30-40 minutes a day outside, use SPF products. Sun protection is needed both in summer and in winter: in cold weather, the radiation does not disappear, damaging the skin in the same way as in summer. Apply sunscreen over a facial moisturizer or use a moisturizer with SPF right away.


Evening facial care also consists of three procedures: cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

If you use decorative cosmetics, use a special makeup remover. After that, wash your face, as in the morning, and wipe the skin with a tonic. Then apply a moisturizer. You can use the same one as in the morning, if there are no sun filters in it, or a special night filter.

These are standard facial skin care procedures. In addition to daily care, do moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing masks and peeling once or twice a week. Choose products by skin type and do not overdo it: using many products at once can cause irritation. In addition, it is necessary to monitor how cosmetic products are combined with each other.