Let the whole world wait: 6 rules of healthy selfishness

The airplane metaphor about putting a mask on yourself first, and only then starting to help others — works not only in the sky, but everywhere without exception. If you notice that masks are worn by everyone except you, this is an occasion to remind yourself of healthy selfishness and self—love

Being an altruist is good, helping colleagues, friends, family, boyfriend (underline) is also good. But in this scenario, while everything will be fine with others by your efforts, you risk finding yourself pushed into the background and losing touch with the inner Self. To maintain balance in the universe, we advise you to practice healthy selfishness and adhere to at least these simple rules.

Do what you want

We begin with one of the six well-known rules preached by the most popular psychologist in the country, Mikhail Labkovsky. It is not necessary to go to extremes — it is enough just to bring more, as they say, pleasure from the process into your life and always try to determine your actions and decisions by asking yourself the following questions: “What do I really want now?”, “Do I really want this or is this another attempt to satisfy someone else’s interests?”, “What will bring me joy and happiness?”. It is clear that all of us in an ideal world would like not to go to work, move closer to the sea and eat whatever our heart desires without gaining weight. Having discarded pink dreams, in reality you can at least find a job that brings pleasure, change geolocation more often (at least for weekends) and alternate periods of gluttony with regular workouts.


In moments of dilemmas and important thoughts, do not forget to ask yourself: “Does this have to do with the life I want to build?”. If not, cut off all unnecessary things that do not satisfy your aspirations and prevent you from turning dreams into reality.

Compare yourself with yourself

In the era of Instagram, it is very difficult to avoid photos of ideal people in the feed during periods of emotional strife and not start comparing (most often not in your favor). It’s really not easy to wean your mind from noticing that your neighbor’s grass is greener. But you can start a new way of thinking by starting to compete with yourself. Think about your progress more often, summarize the results of the day and try to be productive so that each subsequent day is more progressive than the previous one, at least in small steps. It’s not necessarily about hard work. Learning to relax and arrange a reboot for yourself is also progress.

You are the most important person in your life. No one can make decisions for you, give you settings and make choices. This is true both in realizing your potential and in everyday everyday issues. Only you know which scenario will make you happy, which project responds with inspiring emotions inside and which bag will bring a feeling of joy. Don’t listen to the voices around you — listen to the voice inside you.